When and where is the conference?

The conference is planned for May 20–23, 2024, in Washington, D.C. and will be held at the American University Washington College of Law

Is there a conference registration fee?

No there is no registration fee to participate in the conference. 

What is the Global Gender Equality Conference?

The vision for the conference is to bring together Agency gender equality staff and points of contact, select implementing partners, and external gender experts to build knowledge, momentum, and connectivity to advance best practices and strengthen our approaches toward implementation of USAID's 2023 Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Policy. For more information on this USAID conference, please contact 2024genderconference@usaid.gov.

What is the high-level agenda for the conference?

  • Day 1 - Sessions will focus on Building Understanding and Commitment on USAID's Gender Equality & Women's Empowerment Policy and engage gender advisors, POCs, and other champions Agency wide
  • Day 2 - Sessions will feature programmatic experiences in promoting gender equality and women's empowerment from external implementing partners and other stakeholders; the day will end with a networking reception
  • Day 3 - Sessions will feature programmatic experiences in promoting gender equality and women's empowerment from external implementing partners and other stakeholders 
  • Day 4 - Sessions will focus on sharing tools and resources to strengthen our network of gender advisors, POCs, and champions Agency wide

Can you provide more insight on who will be participating from USAID? For example, will there be mission representatives as well as DC based folks?

The vision for this conference is to bring together Agency gender equality staff and points of contacts from across the globe. This includes USAID's Gender Advisors and POCs in Missions, Regional Bureaus, across the Agency's Pillar Bureaus, and other champions Agency-wide. 

When will the final agenda, participant list, and assigned time slots be shared?

The final GGEC agenda and participant list will be shared in early May. For information regarding your breakout session time slot, please reach out individually to the DEVELOP team at 2024genderconference@usaid.gov.

Will translation or interpretation for non-English speakers be provided? 

Accessibility considerations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out as soon as possible to ascertain accommodations for this request at 2024genderconference@usaid.gov


Is there a COVID mask requirement or recommendation? 

We encourage participants to do whatever makes them feel comfortable. 


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